A trio of horizons. I’m a bit obsessed with horizons both in my painting practice and in real life. I fought against that love for a while as being too cliched and obvious but the pleasure the horizon line brings me did not diminish from my self critism. Eventually, I began to see the line as part of incredibly potent group of symbols that seem simple at first glace- the circle, the hand print, the x, the straight line. It is exactly their simplicity that has allowed them to move through human history being part of the tapestry of so many stories, recognised instantly deep in the ancient parts of our brain and heaped upon with layer upon layer of meaning. In fact, they are some of the most complex symbols we have. Since I have begun to see my painted horizons this way, I have begun to feel I can truly fall into them, interact with them and explore them. As is so often the case, the simplest thing is the most crucial.